Meet the Founder of Bondiblades!

Tell us a little about your business and product?

Bondiblades is Australia’s first at home sustainable derma razor for women. Foundered by Melbourne Mum Ali Clarke in the 2020 Covid Lockdowns bondiblades quickly became a cult beauty tool for the removal of peach fuzz and dead skin. Initially marketed through the power of Ali’s personal TikTok soon a face shaving craze began!

Unlike the plastic razors on the market our main point of difference is that our products are made from eco-friendly wheatstraw good for the skin and great for the environment. Other benefits of the product includes better product penetration and makeup sits flawlessly.

Bondiblades has grown from an e-commerce store to over 4,000+ stockists in Australia, NZ, USA, Canada and Mauritius with launches in the coming months across the Middle East.

2. What was your motivation for starting Bondi Blades?

I was going to a salon when I was pregnant with my daughter and paying $150 for someone to basically shave my face for 15 minutes, I loved the treatment but also knew having a baby I would no longer have the time or be able to afford it so I started looking for something I could shave with at home which was the lightbulb moment as there were not currently any on the market in Australia.

3. What is your biggest piece of advice for a woman wanting to scale her ecommerce brand?

Be prepared to spend a lot of money on marketing, paid pr features, influencers anything that will make your brand stand out and garner attention. Don’t get caught up in spending your profits on a flashy lifestyle re-invest it in the business & and it will come back to you tenfold.

4. What is your favourite thing about having your own business?

The flexibility it gives me as a working mum I can spend more time with my family and enjoy life! You can find out more about Bondiblades here: Bondi Blades Australia’s First At Home Dermaplaning Blades (

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Victoria Garlick

Written by Victoria Garlick

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