How To Make This Stunning Fairy Floss Cocktail with Gold Flakes

A fairy floss cocktail with gold flakes is a decadent and visually stunning drink. Here’s how you can make one:


  • 1 1/2 oz (45 ml) vanilla vodka
  • 1/2 oz (15 ml) elderflower liqueur
  • 1/2 oz (15 ml) lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz (15 ml) simple syrup
  • Fairy floss (cotton candy)
  • Edible gold flakes
  • Ice cubes


  1. Prepare the Glass:
    • Take a martini glass or coupe glass and rim the edge with edible gold flakes. You can do this by dipping the rim of the glass into a shallow dish of water or lemon juice, then into a dish of gold flakes.
  2. Prepare the Fairy Floss:
    • Take a small amount of fairy floss (cotton candy) and gently place it inside the rimmed glass. You can use a spoon to help position it if needed. The fairy floss will dissolve when the cocktail is poured over it, adding sweetness and whimsy to the drink.
  3. Make the Cocktail:
    • In a cocktail shaker, combine the vanilla vodka, elderflower liqueur, lemon juice, and simple syrup.
    • Add a handful of ice cubes to the shaker and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds to chill the mixture.
  4. Strain and Pour:
    • Strain the cocktail mixture into the prepared glass over the fairy floss. The fairy floss will start to dissolve immediately upon contact with the liquid, creating a magical effect.
  5. Garnish:
    • Optionally, you can sprinkle a few additional gold flakes on top of the cocktail for extra sparkle and luxury.
  6. Serve:
    • Serve your fairy floss cocktail immediately while it’s still cold and the fairy floss is dissolving. It’s best enjoyed as soon as it’s prepared to experience the full effect of the presentation.

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